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Katy is a fantastic Yoga teacher. I have been practicing with her for a while now, and I always look forward to the next class. Her teaching style is attentive, friendly and dedicated, all qualities that help improving my practice to levels I never expected. She has kept her zoom classes throughout lockdown with the same natural enthusiasm I enjoyed in studio classes. Please join us Mondays and Thursdays at 5.30pm for an hour of sheer bliss!


Isabelle Palmer

I got in touch with Katy having attended yoga classes she runs (they're excellent) and knowing her style had given me confidence to ask for help.  I have a fairly chaotic job so my ambition wasn't to become the fittest person at the gym, more to have confidence when in the gym, improve my fitness level whilst also meeting my own vanity requirements. Katy absolutely understood this and suggested that instead of an intense PT approach that we become gym buddies. The reality of this approach was that she showed me how to enjoy working out broke down the anxiety I felt in the gym, whilst giving the coaching I very much needed. Katy pushed me when I'd say I'm done to go that little bit further but in a way that meant I only realised after I'd gone that little bit further and because of her excellent awareness of the body where my form was wrong or she could see I was struggling she'd adapt the exercises to meet my ability.


Robyn Owst

Big thanks to K G Body for a stretching plan, no back ache this time running and hamstrings are nice and loose! Go check her out if you are struggling with niggles.


James Price

I have been interested in Olympic lifting for a long time but have never had the confidence to start.

Knowing Katy I asked for an introductory session where I could try a few exercises and learn a little more.

I was absolutely blown away by Katy’s knowledge, passion and teaching. 

In one session I came away with exercises to practice, knowledge and understanding of what I was doing/learning and a keen motivation to do more.

As soon as my session was over I asked for more and because of Katy’s amazing teaching, passion and knowledge I have come away with the confidence and ability I needed to start doing more Olympic lifting and to consider joining a CrossFit gym in the near future!


Mike Stevenson

Katy is an excellent yoga instructor and I always look forward to and enjoy her classes. She always manages to balance hard work, relaxation, and attention to detail. Each session is different from the previous ones – always something to learn. Highly recommended over zoom and in person.


Darrell Plant

If you have had the chance to experience any of my services and wish to leave a review please send it to me via email. 



You can also leave a review on MyFitness Advisor or google.



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